爱尔兰的房价在2024年猛涨9%,达到332 109欧元,都柏林居前列。 House prices in Ireland jumped 9% in 2024, reaching €332,109, with Dublin leading the rise.
爱尔兰的房价在2024年上涨9%,都柏林自2017年以来增长最高。 House prices in Ireland rose by 9% in 2024, with Dublin seeing the highest increase since 2017. 第四季度住房的平均价格达到332 109欧元,可出售的二手住房下降了15%,降至创纪录的低点。 The average price for a home in the fourth quarter reached €332,109, and second-hand homes available for sale dropped by 15% to a record low. 经济学家认为,政府可能需要干预按揭市场,以帮助那些拥有固定利率的人,但主要的解决办法是增加住房建设以满足需求。 Economists suggest that the government may need to intervene in the mortgage market to help those with fixed interest rates, but the main solution is to increase home construction to meet demand.