美国和联合王国对俄罗斯的制裁抬高了石油价格,但专家预测,由于潜在的供过于求,可能会出现稳定。 US and UK sanctions on Russia raise oil prices, but experts predict stability due to potential oversupply.
美国和联合王国对俄罗斯能源部门的制裁导致石油价格上升,达到四个多月来的最高水平。 US and UK sanctions on Russia's energy sector have led to a rise in oil prices, reaching the highest level in over four months. 亚洲市场下降是因为美国就业报告强劲, 显示美联储降低利率的可能性减少。 Asian markets declined following a strong US jobs report, which suggested reduced chances of Federal Reserve interest rate cuts. 尽管受到制裁,但专家预测,由于潜在的供过于求以及欧佩克+组织计划增加产量,石油价格可能不会飙升。 Despite the sanctions, experts predict that oil prices may not soar due to potential oversupply and OPEC+'s plans to increase production.