由于中国的刺激计划和叙利亚的政治动荡,石油价格上涨了1%以上。 Oil prices climbed over 1% due to China's stimulus plans and Syria's political instability.
由于中国经济刺激计划及叙利亚地缘政治紧张, 石油价格在星期一暴涨超过1%。 Oil prices surged over 1% on Monday due to China's plans for economic stimulus and geopolitical tensions in Syria. 中国经济刺激措施和“中度宽松”的货币政策态势刺激了投资者的情绪,使杭生指数上升了2.8%。 Chinese economic stimulus measures and a "moderately loose" monetary policy stance boosted investor sentiment, contributing to a 2.8% rise in the Hang Seng index. 与此同时,叙利亚总统巴沙尔·阿萨德的倒台增加了市场不确定性。 Meanwhile, the fall of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad added to market uncertainty. 黄金也上涨,被视为避风港。 Gold also rose, seen as a safe haven. 在其他事态发展中,南朝鲜面临政治不确定性,法国政府倒台。 In other developments, South Korea faced political uncertainty, and France's government fell. 预计欧洲中央银行本周将降低借款费用。 The European Central Bank is expected to lower borrowing costs this week.