PM Davis谴责工会威胁的全国罢工,警告可能的服务中断。 PM Davis condemns threatened national strike by unions, warns of potential service disruptions.
总理戴维斯(Philip Davis)谴责工会大会领袖欧比·弗格森(Obie Ferguson)威胁全国罢工是「非法」, Prime Minister Philip Davis has condemned Trade Union Congress leader Obie Ferguson's threatened national strike as "unlawful," criticizing Ferguson for not answering his calls. 政府正准备应付可能发生的中断,公立医院管理局和卫生部警告可能给紧急和基本服务带来的影响。 The government is preparing for potential disruptions, with the Public Hospitals Authority and Ministry of Health warning of possible impacts on emergency and essential services. 尽管正在进行谈判,但工会计划进行的罢工可能影响经济和公共服务,双方重申致力于通过对话解决问题。 Despite ongoing negotiations, the unions' planned strike could affect the economy and public services, with both sides reaffirming their commitment to resolving issues through dialogue.