在加拿大,交通罢工促使政府介入, 促使加拿大劳工法第107条被使用. In Canada, transportation strikes fuel calls for government intervention, prompting use of Section 107 of the Canada Labour Code.
在加拿大,罢工活动和工会力量的上升引发了要求政府进行干预的呼吁,特别是在交通方面。 In Canada, rising strike activity and union strength have sparked calls for government intervention, particularly in transportation. 虽然自罢工权被列入2015年《权利宪章》以来,政府避免了重返工作的立法,但政府利用《加拿大劳动法》第107条维护工业和平。 While the government has avoided back-to-work legislation since the right to strike was included in the 2015 Charter of Rights, it has resorted to Section 107 of the Canada Labour Code to maintain industrial peace. 批评者警告说,这可能会破坏集体谈判,取消雇主谈判的奖励措施,从而可能开创一个令人不安的先例。 Critics warn this could undermine collective bargaining by removing employer incentives to negotiate, potentially setting a troubling precedent.