英国从1月14日开始, 提供高达56%的火车票折扣, 标志着火车200周年. UK offers rail sale with up to 56% off tickets, starting Jan 14, marking 200th train anniversary.
从1月14日至20日,联合王国运输部将启动为期一周的铁路销售,提供1月17日至3月31日期间旅行的折扣火车票。 The UK Department for Transport is launching a week-long rail sale from January 14-20, offering discounted train tickets for travel between January 17 and March 31. 销售包括有限的预购票和非佩亚克车票,在某些路线上可节省高达56%。 The sale includes limited availability Advance and Off-Peak tickets, with savings up to 56% on some routes. 例如,从伦敦到纽卡斯尔的机票将花费23.60英镑,低于52.10英镑。 For example, tickets from London to Newcastle will cost £23.60, down from £52.10. 政府鼓励列车旅行, 庆祝世界第一班客运火车200周年。 The government aims to encourage train travel and celebrate the 200th anniversary of the world's first passenger train. 英国火车票价自3月2日起将上升4.6%。 Despite the discounts, train fares in England will rise by 4.6% from March 2.