苏格兰劳工批评爱丁堡-格拉斯哥火车票价急剧上升, Scottish Labour criticizes steep rise in Edinburgh-Glasgow train fares, now more expensive than London flights.
苏格兰劳工批评爱丁堡和格拉斯哥之间铁路交通费用高昂,指出高峰期火车票比飞往伦敦的费用还要高。 Scottish Labour has criticized the high cost of rail travel between Edinburgh and Glasgow, noting that a peak-time train ticket can cost more than flying to London. 在政府试点计划结束后,票价增至31.40英镑,几乎翻了一番。 The fare increased to £31.40 after a government pilot scheme ended, nearly doubling the price. 苏格兰政府认为,正常旅行者可以获得折扣,季节票低至18.52英镑,而苏格兰工党则呼吁降低通勤费用。 While the Scottish government argues that discounts are available for regular travelers, with season tickets as low as £18.52, Scottish Labour calls for reduced commuting costs.