伦敦的公共交通票价在2025年3月上升,但公共汽车和电车除外,它们一直处于冷冻状态。 London's public transport fares rise in March 2025, except for buses and trams, which stay frozen.
伦敦地铁、地铁和伊丽莎白线票价将在2025年3月上升4.6%, London's Tube, Overground, and Elizabeth line fares will rise by 4.6% in March 2025, aligning with national rail fare increases. 这是确保为运输项目筹资4.85亿英镑的一个条件。 This hike is a condition for securing £485 million in funding for transport projects. 尽管增加,伦敦火车票价将比2016年以来英国平均水平低9%。 Despite the increase, London train fares will be 9% lower than UK average since 2016. 第六年的公交车和电车票价将冻结在1.75英镑的水平,目的是使低收入居民受益。 Bus and tram fares will be frozen at £1.75 for the sixth year, aiming to benefit lower-income residents. TfL每天的上限将上升40p至70p,视所经过的地区而定。 TfL daily caps will rise by 40p to 70p, depending on zones traveled.