威尔士的火车票价将在下个月平均上涨4.6%,以支付不断上涨的开支。 Train fares in Wales will rise by an average of 4.6% next month to cover rising expenses.
从下个月开始,威尔士的火车票价将平均增加4.6%,单张票价将增加3%,7天的赛季票价将增加3.5%,非高峰和日返程票价将增加6%。 Train fares in Wales will rise by an average of 4.6% starting next month, with single tickets increasing by 3%, seven-day season tickets by 3.5%, and off-peak and day return tickets by 6%. 威尔士政府的交通秘书肯·斯卡茨为这次升迁辩护,目的是平衡乘客的低费用,同时需要支付不断上涨的费用和减少补贴。 The Welsh Government's Transport Secretary Ken Skates justified the hike, aiming to balance low costs for passengers with the need to cover rising expenses and reduce subsidies. 这一增长与英格兰的类似票价涨幅一致。 This increase aligns with similar fare hikes in England.