洛杉矶郡意外地向所有居民发出疏散警报,造成恐慌。 Los Angeles County accidentally sends evacuation alert to all residents, causing panic.
由于技术错误,洛杉矶县在1月9日错误地向所有960万居民发出了疏散警报,造成大面积恐慌。 Los Angeles County mistakenly sent an evacuation alert to all 9.6 million residents on Jan. 9 due to a technical error, causing widespread panic. 警告只针对伍德兰山Kenneth Fire附近的居民, 指示居民离家出走。 The alert, meant only for those near the Kenneth Fire in Woodland Hills, instructed residents to leave their homes. 县官员迅速纠正了这一错误,澄清只有在受影响地区才需要疏散。 County officials quickly corrected the error, clarifying that evacuations were only needed in affected areas. 持续的野火导致至少六人死亡和大规模疏散。 The ongoing wildfires have led to at least six deaths and widespread evacuations.