东洛杉矶的野火加剧 创造了自己的天气模式 扩大了疏散命令 East LA wildfire intensifies, creating own weather patterns and expanding evacuation orders.
洛杉矶以东国家森林丘陵的野火加剧,形成其本身的天气模式,促使强制撤离。 A wildfire in the foothills of a national forest east of Los Angeles has intensified, creating its own weather patterns and prompting mandatory evacuations. 局势继续升级,导致对附近社区的疏散令扩大。 The situation continues to escalate, leading to expanded evacuation orders for nearby communities. 由于防火工作正在进行之中,因此敦促居民离开该地区,以寻求安全。 Residents are urged to leave the area for their safety as firefighting efforts are underway to contain the blaze.