拜登总统在听取加州野火情况的简报时宣布成为曾祖父,但因时机而受到批评。 President Biden, amid briefing on California wildfires, announced becoming a great-grandfather, facing criticism for the timing.
在介绍加利福尼亚致命的野火时,拜登总统宣布,他已成为一位曾祖父,这引起了批评,批评他似乎对当前的危机漠不关心。 During a briefing on the deadly wildfires in California, President Biden announced he had become a great-grandfather, which drew criticism for seeming insensitive to the ongoing crisis. 野火至少造成2人死亡,1 000多座建筑物被毁,并迫使30 000多人撤离。 The wildfires have killed at least two people, destroyed over 1,000 buildings, and forced over 30,000 evacuations. 拜登承诺提供联邦支助和资源,帮助灭火和援助复原工作。 Biden pledged federal support and resources to help combat the fires and aid recovery efforts.