Pope Francis为加利福尼亚的野火受害者祈祷, Pope Francis offers prayers for California wildfire victims, noting impact on large Catholic population.
教皇弗朗西斯为在加利福尼亚与严重野火作战的受害者和救援人员祈祷和哀悼,这些野火至少造成11人死亡,数千所房屋被毁。 Pope Francis has offered prayers and condolences for victims and rescuers battling severe wildfires in California, which have killed at least 11 people and destroyed thousands of homes. 梵蒂冈发表了一项声明,表达了教皇的关切,特别是对位于洛杉矶的美国最大的天主教社区的关注。 The Vatican released a statement expressing the Pope's concern, particularly for the largest Catholic community in the U.S. located in Los Angeles. 六起野火自星期二以来消耗了35 000多英亩的土地。 Six wildfires have consumed over 35,000 acres of land since Tuesday.