总统拜登取消前往意大利的行程, 以关注加州的野火, 批准救灾援助。 President Biden cancels trip to Italy to focus on California wildfires, approving disaster aid.
Joe Biden总统取消了对意大利和梵蒂冈的访问, 以关注加州严重的野火。 President Joe Biden canceled his trip to Italy and the Vatican to focus on the severe wildfires in California. 火灾造成多人死亡,1 500多座建筑被毁。 The fires have resulted in multiple deaths and over 1,500 destroyed structures. 拜登会见了加利福尼亚州官员,批准了一项联邦灾害宣言,为消防和恢复工作提供援助。 Biden met with California officials and approved a federal disaster declaration, providing aid for firefighting and recovery efforts. 他还推迟计划与乌克兰总统沃洛迪米尔·泽伦斯基的会晤。 He also postponed a planned meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.