演员詹姆斯·伍兹情绪化 野火摧毁了他的家 摧毁了太平洋帕利塞德岛 Actor James Woods emotional as wildfires destroy his home and devastate Pacific Palisades.
演员詹姆斯·伍兹 (James Woods) 在太平洋帕利塞兹 (Pacific Palisades) 的加利福尼亚野火中失去了自己的家后,在接受 CNN 采访时泪流满面。 Actor James Woods broke down in tears during a CNN interview after losing his home to the California wildfires in Pacific Palisades. 火灾摧毁了1 000多座建筑,迫使150 000多人撤离。 The fires have destroyed over 1,000 structures and forced over 150,000 people to evacuate. Woods,77岁,描述帮助他94岁患有痴呆症的邻居实现安全,他的8岁侄女提出用她的小猪银行帮助重建。 Woods, 77, described helping his 94-year-old neighbor with dementia to safety and his 8-year-old niece offering to help rebuild with her piggy bank. 这场灾难还影响了马克·哈米尔 (Mark Hamill) 和曼迪·摩尔 (Mandy Moore) 等其他名人。 The disaster has also affected other celebrities like Mark Hamill and Mandy Moore.