研究显示,早上喝咖啡可能会将死亡风险降低16%,心脏病死亡率降低31%。 Drinking coffee in the morning may lower death risk by 16% and heart disease death by 31%, study suggests.
《欧洲心脏杂志》最近的一项研究表明,早晨喝咖啡者的死亡风险比非咖啡饮者低16%,死于心脏病的风险低31%。 A recent study in the European Heart Journal indicates that morning coffee drinkers have a 16% lower risk of death and a 31% lower risk of dying from heart disease compared to non-coffee drinkers. 涉及40,000多名美国成年人的研究显示,咖啡消费的时机可能影响健康结果,尽管还需要进一步研究,以证实这些结果并探讨根本原因。 The research, involving over 40,000 US adults, suggests that the timing of coffee consumption may impact health outcomes, though further studies are needed to confirm these findings and explore underlying reasons.