研究表明,正常的咖啡饮可延长健康寿命约1.8年。 Regular coffee drinking may extend healthy life by about 1.8 years, study suggests.
科英布拉大学的研究人员发现,正常的咖啡消费可能会使一个人的健康生活平均延长1.8年左右。 Researchers from the University of Coimbra found that regular coffee consumption may extend a person's healthy life by about 1.8 years on average. 他们分析了50多项研究,指出咖啡有可能降低诸如2型糖尿病和肝病等若干慢性疾病的风险。 Analyzing over 50 studies, they noted coffee's potential to reduce risks of several chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes and liver disease. 然而,由咖啡业资助的审查要求开展更多的研究,以确定谁最受益,哪种咖啡摄取最有益。 However, the review, funded by the coffee industry, calls for more research to identify who benefits most and what types of coffee intake are most beneficial.