研究显示,每天喝五杯以上咖啡可以保护心脏节奏紊乱者的大脑健康。 Drinking over five cups of coffee daily may protect brain health in those with a heart rhythm disorder, study suggests.
最近在《美国心脏协会杂志》上进行的一项研究表明,咖啡可以保护脑部健康,因为人患有一种常见的心律节奏紊乱,即静脉颤动。 A recent study in the Journal of the American Heart Association suggests that coffee may protect brain health in people with atrial fibrillation, a common heart rhythm disorder. 每天喝五杯以上杯子的参与者,其认知表现相当于几乎比喝不到咖啡的人年轻7岁。 Participants who drank more than five cups daily showed cognitive performance equivalent to being nearly seven years younger compared to those who drank little to no coffee. 研究还发现,咖啡可能降低这些病人的发炎率,尽管需要进一步研究才能证实这些好处。 The study also found that coffee may lower inflammation in these patients, though further research is needed to confirm these benefits.