英国在新年授勋名单中表彰了 Emily Thornberry 和 Sadiq Khan 等政治家。 UK honors politicians like Emily Thornberry and Sadiq Khan in New Year's Honours list.
新年授勋名单包括几位著名的政治家,包括被任命为女爵士指挥官的工党议员艾米丽·索恩伯里 (Emily Thornberry) 和被授予爵士称号的伦敦市长萨迪克·汗 (Sadiq Khan)。 The New Year Honours list includes several prominent politicians, including Labour MP Emily Thornberry, who was named a Dame Commander, and Sadiq Khan, the Mayor of London, who was knighted. 其他著名的获奖者包括前西米德兰兹郡市长安迪·斯特里特 (Andy Street) 和前教育部长尼克·吉布 (Nick Gibb),他们都获得了爵士头衔。 Other notable recipients include former West Midlands mayor Andy Street and former schools minister Nick Gibb, who both received knighthoods. 该名单还表彰了前国会议员和商界领袖对政治、商业和社区服务的贡献。 The list also honored former MPs and business leaders for their contributions to politics, business, and community service.