伦敦市长Sadiq Khan和其他政治人物可在新年荣誉名单中获得荣誉。 London Mayor Sadiq Khan and other politicians may receive honors in the New Year Honours list.
据报告,伦敦市市长Sadiq Khan因其政治和公共服务,将在新年荣誉名单上获得骑士地位。 London Mayor Sadiq Khan is reportedly set to receive a knighthood in the New Year Honours list for his political and public service. 其他高层人物,如Emily Thornberry和Patricia Hewitt也有望获得荣誉。 Other high-profile figures like Emily Thornberry and Patricia Hewitt are also expected to receive honors. 该名单由《金融时报》获得,包括若干保守派政治家,必须得到凯尔·斯塔默爵士首相和查尔斯三世国王的批准。 The list, obtained by The Financial Times, includes several Conservative politicians and must be approved by Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer and King Charles III.