苏格兰铁路取消了因人员短缺而前往因弗内斯的威克火车,提供了公共汽车替代品. ScotRail cancels Wick to Inverness train due to staff shortages, offering bus alternatives.
从Wick到远北线因弗内斯的11点58分列车于今天因人员短缺而被取消,火车预定于下午4点15分到达。 The 11:58am train from Wick to Inverness on the Far North Line was cancelled today due to staff shortages, with the train scheduled to arrive at 4:15pm. 这是该线上人员配备问题造成一系列干扰中最近的一次。 This is the latest in a series of disruptions caused by staffing issues on the line. 斯考特赖尔为受影响的乘客安排了替代性公路运输。 ScotRail has arranged alternative road transport for affected passengers.