研究将维生素D缺乏症与一半成年人的认知下降联系起来,强调补充在降低阿尔茨海默氏病风险方面的作用。 Study links vitamin D deficiency to cognitive decline in half of adults, highlighting supplements' role in reducing Alzheimer's risk.
最近一项涉及近270 000名成年人的研究发现,影响高达50%人口的维生素D缺乏症与认知功能的下降有关。 A recent study involving nearly 270,000 adults found that vitamin D deficiency, affecting up to 50% of people, is linked to a decline in cognitive function. 这项研究突出了维生素D在维持认知健康以及可能预防痴呆症和糖尿病方面的重要性。 The research highlights vitamin D's importance in maintaining cognitive health and potentially preventing dementia and diabetes. 经常服用维生素D补充剂的成年人患老年痴呆症的风险较低17%。 Adults who regularly took vitamin D supplements had a 17% lower risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.