研究查明了11个因素,包括遗传学和生活方式,这些因素增加了痴呆症的风险,提前达20年。 Study identifies 11 factors, including genetics and lifestyle, that increase dementia risk up to 20 years early.
RAND查明了11个因素,这些因素大大增加了在出现症状20年前患上痴呆症的风险。 RAND identified 11 factors that significantly raise the risk of developing dementia up to 20 years before symptoms appear. 其中包括遗传病易发性、60岁时缺乏私人健康保险、工作历史有限、糖尿病、体重指数高、身体健康差以及参与学习活动少。 These include genetic predispositions, lack of private health insurance at 60, limited work history, diabetes, high BMI, poor physical fitness, and low engagement in learning activities. 该研究还发现,在美国南部出生的个人的风险较高。 The study also found that individuals born in the southern U.S. had a higher risk. 研究结果强调了采用大脑健康生活方式的重要性。 The findings emphasize the importance of adopting a brain-healthy lifestyle.