新准则建议维生素D补充剂不能防止老年人的跌落或骨折。 New guidelines suggest vitamin D supplements don't prevent falls or fractures in older adults.
美国预防服务工作队发布了一份草案,指出维生素D补充剂,不论是否含钙,都无法防止老年人的跌落或骨折。 The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force has released a draft stating that vitamin D supplements, with or without calcium, do not prevent falls or fractures in older adults. 虽然维生素D对骨骼健康和免疫系统至关重要,但最近的研究表明,在减少这一人口群体的骨折风险方面没有任何好处。 While vitamin D is crucial for bone health and the immune system, recent studies show no benefit in reducing fracture risk in this demographic. 该建议反映了对维生素D效果的不断研究。 The recommendation reflects evolving research on vitamin D's effects.