由于人口老化,美国痴呆症病例预计到2060年每年将翻一番,达到100万。 U.S. dementia cases projected to double to a million annually by 2060 due to aging population.
一项新的研究项目预测,到2060年,美国痴呆症病例每年将翻一番,达到100万左右,主要原因是人口老龄化。 A new study projects that dementia cases in the U.S. will double to about a million annually by 2060, mainly due to an aging population. 55岁之后,个人患痴呆症的可能性高达40%。 After age 55, individuals have up to a 40% chance of developing dementia. 终身风险因年龄、种族和性别而异,黑人成年人和妇女的比率较高。 Lifetime risk varies by age, race, and gender, with higher rates among Black adults and women. 这项研究分析了超过15 000人,还发现生活方式的改变,如控制血压和保持活跃,可以大大减少痴呆症的风险。 The study, which analyzed over 15,000 people, also found that lifestyle changes such as controlling blood pressure and staying active can significantly reduce the risk of dementia.