屋主警告他们继续加热,以防止在寒冷温度下爆裂管道。 Homeowners warned to keep heating on to prevent burst pipes during freezing temperatures.
前往圣诞节的屋主应受到警告, 避免关闭暖气, 防止因温度寒冷而爆裂的管道。 Homeowners leaving for Christmas are warned to avoid turning off their heating to prevent burst pipes due to freezing temperatures. 专家建议将供暖时间安排在每天2小时,大约下午7点和早上7点左右,自动调温器设定为15-16摄氏度。 Experts recommend scheduling the heating to run for two hours daily, around 7pm and 7am, with the thermostat set to 15-16 degrees Celsius. 这有助于防止水管被冻结,避免昂贵的修理费用(估计为550英镑),而每天仅耗资约3.80英镑。 This can help prevent pipes from freezing and avoid costly repairs, estimated at £550, while only costing around £3.80 a day.