研究显示,半数以上的西中地父母害怕孩子在家寒冷, Study shows over half of West Midlands parents fear their kids are cold at home, amid health warnings.
最近的“快速慰安妇”研究表明,52%的西中地父母担心他们的孩子冬天在家寒冷,28%的家长将孩子放在寒冷的房间里睡觉。 A recent SpeedComfort study reveals that 52% of West Midlands parents worry about their children being cold at home during winter, and 28% have put their children to bed in cold rooms. 近三分之一的居民为保暖而挣扎,预期气温为12.8摄氏度,低于世卫组织建议的成人为18摄氏度,婴儿为16摄氏度。 Nearly one-third of residents struggle to keep their homes warm, with expected temperatures at 12.8°C, below the WHO's recommended 18°C for adults and 16°C for infants. NHS警告说,寒冷会损害健康,43%的人身体不适,41%的人由于寒冷而感到不舒服。 The NHS warns that cold can harm health, with 43% of people experiencing physical discomfort and 41% feeling down due to the cold. 老年人尤其面临风险。 Older people are particularly at risk.