伊利诺伊州颁布了冬季规则,保护弱势群体免受公用事业断电的影响。 Illinois enacts winter rule protecting vulnerable groups from utility disconnections.
伊利诺伊州冬季天气规则于12月1日至3月31日生效,防止公用事业切断使用电或燃气供暖的合格客户的电源或燃气。 Illinois' Winter Weather Rule, effective from December 1 to March 31, prevents utilities from disconnecting eligible customers who use electric or gas for heating. 这项规则保护低收入家庭、军事人员、退伍军人以及使用煤气或电力作为主要取暖来源的人。 This rule protects low-income families, military personnel, veterans, and those using gas or electricity as their main heating source. 在寒冷的温度下、节假日前和周末也禁止断裂。 Disconnections are also prohibited during freezing temperatures, before holidays, and on weekends. 过去有未清余额的客户可联系其效用,以加入延期付款协议。 Customers with past due balances can contact their utility to enroll in a Deferred Payment Agreement. 面临水电费困难的家庭可以通过LIHEAP申请援助。 Households facing utility bill struggles can apply for assistance through LIHEAP.