法官拒绝了特朗普驳回封口费定罪的请求,拒绝了总统豁免权要求。 Judge denies Trump's request to dismiss hush money conviction, rejects presidential immunity claim.
唐纳德·特朗普试图以总统豁免权为由推翻他的封口费定罪,但被纽约法官驳回。 Donald Trump's attempt to have his hush money conviction overturned on the grounds of presidential immunity rejected by a New York judge. 向 Stormy Daniels 支付费用以使她对涉嫌的婚外情保持沉默是定罪的原因。 Payments made to Stormy Daniels to keep her quiet about an alleged affair are the reason for the conviction. 法官裁定,这些款项不符合豁免条件,因为它们与私人活动有关,而不是与公务有关。 The judge decided that the payments did not qualify for immunity because they were connected to private activities rather than official duties. 特朗普面临最高四年的监禁,但可能会得到较轻的刑罚。 Trump faces up to four years in prison but could receive a lighter sentence.