特朗普秘密钱财案的判刑被推迟,让他的团队在12月2日之前要求撤销案件。 Sentencing for Trump's hush money case is postponed, giving his team until Dec. 2 to seek case dismissal.
Juan Merchan法官无限期地推迟了对Donald Trump犯罪秘密钱财案的判决。 Judge Juan Merchan has indefinitely postponed the sentencing for Donald Trump's criminal hush money case. Trump的法律小组直到12月2日才提出撤销案件的动议,检察官在12月9日前作出答复。 Trump's legal team has until December 2 to file a motion to dismiss the case, with prosecutors responding by December 9. 法官同意将关于总统豁免权的决定推迟到对申请进行审查之后再作出。 The judge has agreed to delay his decision on presidential immunity until reviewing the filings. 这一推迟允许特朗普在没有判刑判决的情况下开始其总统任期。 This postponement allows Trump to begin his presidency without a sentencing verdict. Trump于5月被判有罪,罪名是伪造与向Stormy Daniels支付130,000美元有关的商业记录。 Trump was convicted in May for falsifying business records related to a $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels.