特朗普的律师请求纽约法官根据最高法院的豁免决定推翻定罪。 Trump's lawyers request NY judge to overturn conviction due to Supreme Court's immunity decision.
特朗普的律师援引最高法院的豁免裁决,请求纽约法官撤销对他的定罪。 Trump's lawyers ask NY judge to set aside his conviction, citing Supreme Court immunity decision. 特朗普的律师致信纽约审理其封口费案的法官,希望根据最高法院授予他一定程度的起诉豁免权的裁决,推迟对他的宣判,并阻止对他作出有罪判决。 Trump's attorneys sent a letter to the judge overseeing his hush money trial in New York, hoping to delay his sentencing and block his guilty verdict in light of the Supreme Court's ruling that grants him some immunity from prosecution. 这封信是在最高法院做出裁决后不久到达的,该裁决保护特朗普和其他任何总统免于因任职期间被视为“官方”职责的行为而受到刑事起诉。 The letter arrived shortly after the high court's ruling that shields Trump and any other president from criminal prosecution for actions considered "official" duties while in office.