特朗普的法律团队试图驳回他对封口费的定罪,将其与他的选举胜利联系起来。 Trump's legal team seeks to dismiss his hush money conviction, linking it to his election win.
特朗普的法律团队要求法官驳回他对封口费的定罪,认为应该撤销该定罪。 Trump's legal team is asking a judge to dismiss his conviction related to the hush money payment, arguing it should be thrown out. 该案的重点是在 2016 年大选前为让 Stormy Daniels 噤声而支付的款项。 The case centers on payments made to silence Stormy Daniels before the 2016 election. 特朗普的胜利被引用为驳回此案的理由。 Trump's victory is cited as a reason to dismiss the case.