曼哈顿检察官主张维持对特朗普的定罪,拒绝“候任总统豁免权”。 Manhattan prosecutors argue to uphold Trump's conviction, rejecting "president-elect immunity."
曼哈顿检察官反对驳回唐纳德·特朗普的刑事定罪,因为他伪造了与向暴风雨丹尼尔斯支付的封口费有关的商业记录。 Manhattan prosecutors argue against dismissing Donald Trump's criminal conviction for falsifying business records related to a hush payment to Stormy Daniels. 他们声称“不存在候任总统豁免权”,并建议将判决推迟到 2029 年特朗普离任。 They claim "president-elect immunity does not exist" and suggest delaying the sentencing until Trump leaves office in 2029. 特朗普的律师为驳回此案辩护,称这可能会干扰他作为总统的角色。 Trump's lawyers argue for the case's dismissal, stating it could interfere with his role as president. 检察官坚持认为,定罪应该维护公众对司法系统的信任。 Prosecutors maintain the conviction should stand to uphold public trust in the justice system.