法官拒绝特朗普在秘密钱款案中的豁免要求 保持重罪定罪原封不动 Judge rejects Trump's immunity claim in hush money case, keeping felony conviction intact.
一位纽约法官拒绝了唐纳德·特朗普 以总统豁免权为由 撤销秘密钱财定罪的企图 A New York judge has rejected Donald Trump's attempt to dismiss his hush money conviction based on presidential immunity. Trump于5月被判犯有34项与伪造商业记录有关的罪行,2016年向Stormy Daniels支付了130 000美元。 Trump was convicted in May of 34 counts related to falsifying business records for a $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels in 2016. Juan Merchan法官裁定,证据不涉及官方行为,因此不符合豁免条件。 Judge Juan Merchan ruled that the evidence did not involve official acts, so it does not qualify for immunity. Trump的律师认为,这项决定违反了最高法院最近关于总统豁免权的裁决。 Trump's lawyers have argued that this decision violates the Supreme Court's recent ruling on presidential immunity. 这个案子可以让特朗普 成为第一个被判犯有重罪的上任总统 The case could make Trump the first president to enter office with a felony conviction.