印度最高法院审理两名女法官因业绩纠纷终止工作的案件。 Indian Supreme Court considers case of two female judges' termination over performance disputes.
印度最高法院保留其关于终止中央邦6名女司法官员的判决,其中4名女司法官员已恢复原职。 The Supreme Court of India has reserved its judgment on the termination of six female judicial officers in Madhya Pradesh, four of whom were reinstated. 其余两人Aditi Kumar Sharma和Sarita Chaudhary面临对其业绩评级的审查,这些评级没有说明他们的产假和健康假。 The remaining two, Aditi Kumar Sharma and Sarita Chaudhary, face scrutiny over their performance ratings, which did not account for their maternity and health leaves. 高级律师认为,终止合同侵犯了他们享有平等和人身自由的基本权利。 Senior lawyers argue that the terminations violate their fundamental rights to equality and personal liberty. 法院正在质疑中央邦高级法院用来评估其业绩的标准。 The court is questioning the criteria used by the Madhya Pradesh High Court for assessing their performance.