最高法院将审查印度两名女法官因业绩索赔而终止其职务的情况。 Supreme Court to review termination of two women judges in India over performance claims.
印度最高法院将于12月3日审查一份密封的报告,其中涉及中央邦两名女民事法官因业绩不佳而被解雇的问题。 The Supreme Court of India will review a sealed report on December 3 regarding the termination of two women civil judges in Madhya Pradesh over unsatisfactory performance. 以前,法院曾审查终止六名法官职务的问题,导致四名法官复职。 Previously, the court had examined the termination of six judges, leading to the reinstatement of four. 两名终止职务的法官辩称,他们的评估受到大流行病和育儿假的不公平影响。 The two terminated judges argue their assessment was unfairly impacted by the pandemic and childcare leave.