由于回避,巴基斯坦最高法院解散了审查首席女法官任命的法官席。 Pakistani Supreme Court dissolves bench reviewing female Chief Justice's appointment due to recusals.
巴基斯坦最高法院已解散了审查任命Alia Neelum法官为拉合尔高等法院第一位女性首席法官的宪法法官。 The Supreme Court of Pakistan has dissolved a constitutional bench reviewing the appointment of Justice Alia Neelum as the Lahore High Court's first female Chief Justice. Aminuddin Khan法官和Jamal Mandokhail法官因通过司法委员会参与任命她而退职。 Justices Aminuddin Khan and Jamal Mandokhail recused themselves due to their involvement in her appointment through the Judicial Commission. 本案辩称,她的任命违反了资历规则,现在将由另一个法官审理。 The case, which argues that her appointment violated seniority rules, will now be heard by another bench.