印度最高法院批评中央邦不公正地终止女法官的职务。 Supreme Court of India criticizes unfair termination of female judges in Madhya Pradesh.
印度最高法院批评中央邦终止6名女民事法官的职务,指出以案件处理率低为由解雇这些法官的标准不公平。 The Supreme Court of India criticized the termination of six female civil judges in Madhya Pradesh, stating the criteria used to dismiss them for poor case disposal rates were unfair. 法院辩称,类似的标准应适用于男性法官,并指出应考虑身心健康问题。 The court argued that a similar standard should be applied to male judges and noted that mental and physical health issues should be considered. 案件将于12月12日再次审理。 The case will be heard again on December 12.