印度最高法院斥责律师就女法官的代表性发表评论。 Indian Supreme Court reprimands lawyer forCommenting on women judges' representation.
印度最高法院对一名律师在就请求在德里高等法院律师协会中为女律师保留33%的请愿进行听证时对女法官代表人数提出质疑的评论表示不满。 The Supreme Court of India expressed displeasure at a lawyer's comment questioning the representation of women judges during a hearing on a petition seeking 33% reservation for women lawyers in the Delhi High Court Bar Association. 法官Surya Kant警告律师不要"在法庭上发牢骚", Justice Surya Kant warned the lawyer not to "mess with the court," calling the remark "pathetic." 法院将很快宣布其有关保留问题的决定。 The court is set to announce its decision on the reservation issue soon.