印度最高法院命令撤销德里高等法院对Agnihotri法官的批评评论。 Supreme Court of India orders removal of Delhi High Court's critical comments about Judge Agnihotri.
印度最高法院下令撤销德里高等法院对Sonu Agnihotri法官的负面评论。 The Supreme Court of India has ordered the removal of adverse comments made by the Delhi High Court against Judge Sonu Agnihotri. 法院强调,上级法院应避免批评司法官员的个人行为,而应侧重于司法命令本身。 The court emphasized that superior courts should avoid criticizing judicial officers' personal conduct, focusing instead on the judicial orders themselves. 这项决定强调了司法克制的必要性,并建议对法官行为的关切应当从行政上处理。 This decision underscores the need for judicial restraint and suggests that concerns about a judge's behavior should be handled administratively.