前总统特朗普(Trump)因34起重罪而被定罪,试图在就职前推翻裁决。 Former President Trump, convicted of 34 felonies, seeks to overturn the ruling before taking office.
金钱定罪,认为应该在他上任之前将其驳回。 money conviction, arguing it should be dismissed before he takes office. 曼哈顿地区检察官办公室提出了保留定罪的备选方案,包括将案件冻结到2029年,或注意到定罪,但因总统豁免权而没有判刑。 The Manhattan District Attorney's office has proposed options to preserve the conviction, including freezing the case until 2029 or noting the conviction but not sentencing due to presidential immunity. Trump的法律团队认为这些建议是“荒谬的”, 坚持必须推翻对他的定罪, 以免干扰他领导国家的能力。 Trump's legal team dismissed these suggestions as "absurd," insisting his conviction must be overturned to avoid interference with his ability to lead the country. Trump被判犯有34项重罪,涉及伪造与秘密付款有关的商业记录。 Trump was convicted of 34 felony counts related to falsifying business records in connection with a hush payment.