利比亚Zawiya的武装冲突给该国第二大炼油厂造成破坏, Armed conflict in Zawiya, Libya, damages the country's second-largest oil refinery, trapping residents.
在利比亚Zawiya,忠于舒拉法阿部落的派别与军阀穆罕默德·库什拉夫之间的武装冲突在该国第二大炼油厂造成火灾,将居民困在家中。 Armed clashes in Zawiya, Libya, between factions loyal to the Shurafaa tribe and warlord Mohamed Kushlaf caused fires at the country's second-largest oil refinery, trapping residents in their homes. 战斗导致炼油厂遭受严重破坏,迫使利比亚国家石油公司宣布不可抗力。 The fighting led to severe damage at the refinery, forcing Libya's National Oil Corporation to declare a force majeure. 自2011年推翻独裁者穆阿迈尔·加扎菲的起义以来,利比亚在东部和西部的对立政府之间一直分裂。 Libya has been divided between rival administrations in the east and west since the 2011 uprising that ousted dictator Muammar Gadhafi.