利比亚在突尼斯边境巡逻,以遏制移民和走私;军事行动针对Zawiya的犯罪。 Libya patrols its Tunisia border to curb migration and smuggling; military operations target crime in Zawiya.
利比亚稳定支助署在与突尼斯接壤的边界沿线发起了全天候巡逻,以遏制非法移民和走私活动。 Libya's Stability Support Agency has launched 24/7 patrols along its border with Tunisia to curb illegal migration and smuggling. 与此同时,利比亚军队正在的黎波里以西Zawiya开展大规模打击犯罪行动,此前最近发生了民兵冲突,损坏了一家关键的炼油厂。 Meanwhile, Libyan military forces are conducting a major anti-crime operation in Zawiya, west of Tripoli, following recent militia clashes that damaged a key oil refinery. 这些行动旨在稳定该地区,自2011年穆阿迈尔·卡扎菲垮台以来,该地区已分为军事区。 These actions aim to stabilize the region, which has been divided into military zones since the 2011 fall of Muammar Gaddafi.