土耳其Izmir一家炼油厂发生重大爆炸,引发火灾,没有人员伤亡报告。 A major explosion at an Izmir, Turkey, oil refinery sparked a fire, with no reported casualties.
11月25日,土耳其Izmir的Tupras炼油厂发生强烈爆炸,造成紧急小组控制着的火灾。 On November 25, a powerful explosion occurred at the Tupras oil refinery in Izmir, Turkey, causing a fire that is being controlled by emergency teams. 事件发生在Aliaga区炼油厂的原油炉中。 The incident took place in the crude oil furnace of the refinery in the Aliaga district. 没有伤亡报道,但爆炸原因仍在调查之中。 No casualties have been reported, but the cause of the explosion is still under investigation. 在这一事件之后,本月早些时候在另一家炼油厂发生了一起类似的事件,造成12人受伤。 This event follows a similar incident at another refinery earlier this month that injured 12 people.