乍得敌对社区之间的冲突造成 42 人死亡。 Clashes between rival communities in Chad kill 42.
据公安和移民部称,乍得东部敌对社区之间的武装冲突已造成 42 人死亡。 42 people were killed in armed clashes between rival communities in eastern Chad, according to the Ministry of Public Security and Immigration. 夸代省 Mouro 和 Birgut 社区之间发生冲突,导致 1 个村庄被纵火,175 人被捕。 The clashes took place between the Mouro and Birgut communities in Quaddai Province, and resulted in one village being torched and 175 arrests. 该地区农民和游牧民之间的暴力行为很常见,干旱和人口增长加剧了这种暴力行为。 Violence between farmers and nomadic herders is common in the region, exacerbated by droughts and population growth.