喀土穆的燃料站爆炸造成28人死亡,37人受伤,苏丹国内冲突不断升级。 A fuel station bombing in Khartoum killed 28 and injured 37, escalating Sudan's civil conflict.
在苏丹喀土穆,一个燃料站遭到轰炸,28人死亡,37人受伤,其中29人被烧伤。 In Khartoum, Sudan, a fuel station was bombed, killing 28 people and injuring 37, including 29 with burn injuries. 这次袭击发生在苏丹武装部队与快速支援部队之间持续冲突期间,冲突始于2023年4月。 This attack occurred amid ongoing conflict between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces, which began in April 2023. 冲突已造成27 120多人死亡和1 400多万人流离失所。 The conflict has resulted in over 27,120 deaths and displaced more than 14 million people. 没有任何一方声称对这次袭击负责。 No party has claimed responsibility for the attack.