美国钻井机仍为589台,钻机较少,但石油产量预计会增加。 US drilling rigs remain at 589, with fewer rigs but projected increases in oil production.
据贝克·休斯报告,本周美国现役钻井机数量为589台。 The number of active drilling rigs in the U.S. stayed at 589 this week, as reported by Baker Hughes. 这一数目比去年减少了34个,共有482个石油钻机和103个天然气钻机。 This count is down 34 from last year, with 482 oil rigs and 103 gas rigs. 尽管钻机较少,美国原油产量预计到2025年将增至每天1 350万桶,而天然气产量预计到2024年将下降。 Despite fewer rigs, U.S. crude oil production is projected to increase to 13.5 million barrels per day by 2025, while gas output is expected to decrease in 2024. 佩尔米安盆地仍然是石油生产增长的关键领域。 The Permian Basin remains a key area for oil production growth.