美国石油和天然气钻井机的产量下降,但2025年的产量预测仍在上升。 Oil and gas drilling rigs in the U.S. decline, but production forecasts still rise for 2025.
美国活性油气钻井机的数量比上个星期减少4个,比去年减少45个,下降到576个。 The number of active oil and gas drilling rigs in the U.S. fell to 576, down 4 from the previous week and 45 less than last year. 石油钻机下降6至472台,天然气钻机上升1至99台。 Oil rigs dropped by 6 to 472, while gas rigs rose by 1 to 99. 尽管如此,由于石油和天然气价格下跌,美国能源信息管理局预测2025年石油产量将增至每天1 360万桶,高于2024年创纪录的1 320万桶。 Despite this decline, driven by lower oil and gas prices, the U.S. Energy Information Administration forecasts oil production to increase to about 13.6 million barrels per day in 2025, up from a record 13.2 million in 2024. 预计2025年天然气产量将从2024年的1031亿立方英尺增至每天1 045亿立方英尺。 Gas production is projected to rise to 104.5 billion cubic feet per day in 2025, up from 103.1 billion in 2024.