美国的有效钻井设备与去年相比,跌至584台,比去年减少35台,大部分在佩尔米安盆地。 US active drilling rigs drop to 584, a 35-rig decrease from last year, with most in the Permian Basin.
根据贝克·休斯的数据,美国活跃钻井机的数量本周减少了5台,降至584台,比去年减少了35台。 The number of active drilling rigs in the U.S. fell by five this week to 584, according to Baker Hughes data, marking a 35-rig decrease from last year. 其中,480个是石油钻机,100个是天然气钻机。 Among these, 480 are oil rigs and 100 are gas rigs. 得克萨斯州和新墨西哥州的佩尔米安盆地继续推动美国页岩石油生产的大部分增长。 The Permian Basin in Texas and New Mexico continues to drive much of the shale oil production growth in the U.S.