在法国移民营附近发生枪击事件,造成五人死亡,一名22岁的法国男子自首。 A shooting near a French migrant camp killed five people, and a 22-year-old French man turned himself in.
在Dunkirk附近的法国Loon-Plage的一个移民营地附近发生枪击事件,造成五人死亡,其中包括两名移民和两名警卫。 A shooting near a migrant camp in Loon-Plage, France, near Dunkirk, left five people dead, including two migrants and two security guards. 一名22岁的法国男子向警方自首,承认这起杀人事件。 A 22-year-old French man turned himself in to police, admitting to the killings. 当局在他的车里发现了多件武器,而且动机仍然不明。 Authorities found multiple weapons in his car, and the motive remains unclear. 该地区以与移民营地有关的紧张局势而闻名,移民营地是试图越境前往英格兰的移民的路线。 The area is known for tensions related to the migrant camp, which serves as a route for migrants attempting to cross to England.